Tag Archive for: spring cleaning

Tree frog on green leaf

Spring Is in the Air: Leap into Cleaning with a Plan for Success


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy peeks into often-neglected corners of our lives and shares a list of simple cleaning chores where you can rack up big spring wins.

Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle.

Join us next week for:
Convenience vs. Clarity | Avoiding Consumerism | Cluttered Siblings

Tree frog on green leaf

Survey #202 Results: Spring Cleaning and Your Burning Questions

The results are coming in! View the responses to Survey #202: Spring Cleaning and Your Burning Questions.
Tree frog on green leaf

Survey #202: Spring Cleaning and Your Burning Questions

What challenges and difficulties does spring cleaning present? What question have you been desperately wanting us to ask? Take the survey.
Spring cleaning supplies and spring flowers

Spring Into Action: Small Cleaning Projects to Refresh Your Home


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy shines daylight into neglected corners of our homes and offers a list of simple tasks to kick off your spring cleaning regimen.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Array of personal-care products

Spring into Decluttering: 20 Tiny Projects to Start Moving Forward


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy looks at often-neglected corners of our lives and shares a list of simple tasks where you can score big decluttering wins.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Organize for the Unplanned: Prepare for Crises Before They Arrive

Flowers with ribbon

Spring Forward: Timely Household Projects for Big Decluttering Wins

The Clutter Fairy looks at often-neglected areas of our homes and lives and offers pointers to help us spring forward in the coming weeks.
White spring flowers on a tree branch

Spring into Organizing: 10 Ways to Jumpstart Your Decluttering (Presentation)

The Clutter Fairy offers a grab-bag of small projects where you can score big wins as you kick off spring cleaning.
Spring cleaning equipment

Spring into Organizing: 19 Ways to Jumpstart Your Decluttering (YouTube Video)

Jumpstart your spring cleaning with The Clutter Fairy’s grab-bag of small projects where you can score big decluttering wins.
Spring cleaning equipment

Spring into Organizing: 19 Ways to Jumpstart Your Decluttering (MP3)


Jumpstart your spring cleaning with The Clutter Fairy’s grab-bag of small projects where you can score big decluttering wins.

Listen to an MP3 of this presentation.

Tag Archive for: spring cleaning