The Clutter Fairy Weekly #154

Shifting Ground: How Life Changes Complicate Your Clutter Landscape

Big changes in your life—moving in with a new partner or spouse, a breakup or divorce, or a family member moving in with you unexpectedly—can disrupt or derail your organizing habits and routines. In episode #154 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, talks about keeping your organizing mojo and momentum even when life changes make you feel as if the ground is moving beneath your feet.

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Weekly Tittle

The Weekly Tittle is an exercise designed to focus your attention on a specific space, aspect, or challenge of decluttering and organizing your home. We assign a new tittle in each webcast/podcast, then check on your progress the following week.

Shift a Habit to Rise to Your New Challenge

This week’s assignment is to examine elements of your routine that have been derailed by recent changes in your life:

  • Thinking about your decluttering or organizing process, are there habits that used to work before a major event or change of circumstances, but aren’t getting the same results as before?
  • For one of those disrupted habits, think about what events or factors have adversely affected the habit. What changed, and how did it “break” your system?
  • Now reflect on what adjustments you might make to the habit in question to get it back on track:
    • Would a change of duration help?
    • How about a change of frequency?
    • Would shifting this habit to a different time of the day or week make a difference?
    • Is there anyone you could ask for help with this particular habit or routine?
    • Do you need to look for outside resources?

For the full discussion of this week’s tittle, watch the Weekly Tittle segment on YouTube.

2 replies
  1. Marsh
    Marsh says:

    My former de cluttering system was badly broken from sudden grief and deep fears’ of more loss’ as I was unable to find the internal “want” to continue creating ‘(our)’ now just “my” home into the sanctuary of organized ease of use, clarity by clear counters/storage spaces and future functionality. No meaning was available for my heart as I no longer cared about the essentials of living in my home alone. Yet now, as I have continued to learn new keystone habits and decluttering avenues from you all, I have started to simply change the frequency daily, weekly or monthly to my terms as I find a renewed energy to just do 1% a pile, a space, a cluttered corner in “my” home. Thank you Gayle, Ed and all of our CCFairy Tribe.

  2. Kolander
    Kolander says:

    Love your content as always! Have you changed your audio settings recently? The last two podcasts have been particularly sharp/shrill sounding to the point of hardly being able to listen to them, even at very low volume. Ed’s voice is particularly affected. 🙁

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