Survey #191 Response from Janice

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In most years, do you make at least one New Year’s resolution?Yes
How successful are you usually in keeping your New Year’s resolutions?
Somewhat successful
How would you most like for 2024 to be different from 2023?Bye Bye Covid would be a gift to the planet.

I hope to continue letting stuff go, as I find it no longer serves me, and donating is an opportunity to enrich the lives of others.
Referring specifically to your answer to the previous question, what do you plan to do to make your vision for 2024 come true?I have been taking pictures of the clutter, waiting a day, and looking at the horror.

Then I start with the floor and do a little each day. Take a picture before and after and during the process.

I have decided I am the CEO of this home, and I don't want to manage excess stuff.
Where will you be and what will you be doing when the clock strikes midnight to ring in 2024?scratching a lottery ticket and doing the countdown along with the TV. Eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on Pepperidge Farm thin bread and splitting it with my dogs, and drinking that Martinelli sparkling cider.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s).Gayle, you seem so inviting and non judgmental, how do you do that?

I find that when spouse or adult child helps me with clutter, I see eye rolling and hear heavy sighs or they seem to freeze so they won't hurt my feelings. they disappear and leave me to do it ( it is my clutter, not theirs, but hey I asked them for help)
Future topics

I always appreciate hearing suggestions for positive self-talk and how to reason with myself in regards to keeping or letting go. Repetition is so helpful, like: elastic gets old, materials disintegrate, stuff gets out of style, it takes up space in your real estate, etc. I need reminders and to hear that a lot, to replace negative self talk,

My goal feeling is an oasis of self care, I heard that on your show and I actually say that out loud.

I get off to a great start then I get stuck and don't know what to do with stuff. I donate or toss, but hubby sees some donate stuff and he says hey don't give that away give it to a relative. Well, I have no relatives except one adult child and she made it clear she wants nothing. ( which is actually an easy answer to any "give or donate" type question) So what is he talking about? So, I work alone.

And I hide stuff until I have enough to donate, then I fill the boxes and tape them shut, then bring them to the car. heh heh.

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