Survey #180 Response from Anonymous user

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Select the categories of clutter that you find most difficult to work on. (Since we discovered the technical issue preventing some users from answering the previous question, we’re also offering this simpler format.)
  • Financial paperwork
  • Items associated with a career/job
  • Items associated with a person/relationship
  • Photographs (printed or digital)
  • Supplies and tools for a hobby, art, or craft
For the category of stuff you find hardest to declutter or organize, please tell us about how or why this type of stuff trips you up.With financial papers I am mostly unsure what I will need in the future and what can be tossed. Some papers like about a previous legal issue (achieving a compensation for a physical attack by a drunken pedestrian decades ago) are hard to toss because I feel it's part of my personal history/life and I wish to remember it even later. It's like something significant I experienced that has a meaning. I do not want to get rid of that paper.
What’s your favorite thing to listen to while decluttering?My own thoughts. I need silence to concentrate on the task but sometimes I like to listen to a decluttering podcast for inspiration.
Name one or more of your favorite Clutter Fairy-isms (e.g., “thin the herd”) or decluttering and organizing mnemonic devices (e.g., OHIO—Only Handle It Once).You are more than your stuff/job.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s).I often find it hard to listen to the podcast when family topics are discussed because my relationship with my parents is very painful due to sexual abuse and neglect. There are some good memories but the toxic stuff that took place was so bad that I had to stop any contact to them to protect myself and my well-being. I also felt the need to throw away all fotos that had my father in them many years ago. It's hard to deal with things from my childhood and I often wonder how I could handle all of that to my benefit. It's gonna be even harder when they die I guess because I grieve the kind of parents I never had anyway. It's maybe more about a lack of relationship and lack of closure. I have a family history but this does not "spark joy" at all. It's pretty sad not to want to remember much of my childhood. Or is it fine because that just wasn't a great time for me?
You always sound like you had wonderful and loving parents. Is there anything you would recommend for people like me who had really toxic or mostly bad and terribly immature parents?
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