Survey #164 Response from Margaret

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Please select the statement that best describes your future plans with regard to moving:I plan to move within the next five years or more.
Describe any thoughts and feelings that the idea of moving invokes for you, or any positive or negative connotations that moving carries. (This might include memories of past moves, plans for future moves, or your experience with someone else’s move that was significant for you.)Overwhelm at having to change my address with so many creditors, utility companies, doctors, etc.
Consider the present condition of your home and its contents, and then answer this question: If you had to move from your home in a short timeframe, what would the greatest challenges be?Trying to finish cleaning out so I don't have to move everything, getting things in labeled boxes so I'll know what is where, and mainly how to handle my three cats during the move. THey are indoor-outdoor and have only known this woodsy area where I live. They are three neutered males who do not like each other and would not get along if contained in the same small area.
If money, logistics, work, citizenship, travel time, etc., were no obstacle, where would your ideal place to live be? (For example: Ed would like to live in a penthouse in the heart of Rome with a place in the Alban Hills where he’d go on the weekend. He can dream, can’t he?)A place like where I'm living now, with woods nearby and minimal traffic where my three cats can enjoy roaming. Also I need to be near enough to town so I can get groceries, prescriptions, doctor/dental care etc. without traveling far. I currently have no car.
Here’s your chance to ask Gayle and Ed any question you’re curious about. It need not be related to this survey’s topic(s). If we think that your question—and our answer—might be useful or instructive to The Clutter Fairy Weekly audience, we’ll share them in an upcoming episode.I believe both of you share your home with cats. I have three cats and they jump on every surface, piece of furnature, countertop, table (including the kitchen table where we eat), and bed in my home - also they get in sinks and any box that's open. One of the cats is sneaky and jumps in any drawer I open before I can catch him, then hides behind it so I cannot close it. I also work at home, which presents a challenge as one of the cats loves to sit on my keyboard. I'm looking for any tips on how to cat-proof my home, especially my work area. I rent an apartment, so I cannot affix shelving to the walls. Also I have to work on the kitchen table as I gave up my bedroom to one of my roommates and there is no other place to work. Any ideas are welcome!!! I love your weekly presentations and have learned so much from both of you!!! Love from Margaret
Future topics

Decluttering with the aim of also animal-proofing your home including only keeping plants that are safe (non-poisonous to animals), protecting furniture, keeping cats away from hot burners on the stove top, etc. My cats have had both fleas and worms (one of them was a homeless cat I took in, and he gave worms to the other three), and although they have all been dewormed and treated for fleas, they still bring in fleas, and there is always the chance one of them could get worms again, thus requiring hours, days and weeks of relentless laundry, vacuuming etc. until the home is free of flea eggs and worms.

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