Tag Archive for: organizing tips

moving boxes at a new home

Clutter Hacks #22: Top Tip for Packing Project Success (YouTube Video)

Our best advice for anyone packing for a move: Allow plenty of time! Start packing at least a month or two out from your move date.
Old photo camera, old pocket watch and old photos

Head over Heart: Practical Alternatives to Staying Stuck in Your Clutter (YouTube Video)

Too much of our stuff provokes conflicting emotions as we try to declutter. But what if you could set aside emotional responses in favor of practical techniques to move forward?
Small cat stuck in a tree

Getting Unstuck: Simple Ways to Overcome Overwhelm (YouTube Video)

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, but what if you can’t figure out how to even start moving?
Egg timer

Clutter Hacks: Tiny Tricks that Can Make a Big Difference (YouTube Video)

The Clutter Fairy offers a baker’s dozen easy, five-minute tricks to move you toward a clutter-free life. Try all 13 or pick the ones that will make the biggest difference for you!

Tag Archive for: organizing tips