Why We Procrastinate and What We’re Planning to Do About It…Later


Why do we procrastinate? We’re probably not lazy or lacking in self-control. We know what needs to be done and why it’s important to us. So why do we go out of our way to avoid the inevitable? In episode #200 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, explores procrastination and avoidance behavior and suggests tips and techniques for breaking an unproductive cycle.

The Clutter Fairy Weekly is a live webcast designed to help you clear your clutter and make space in your home and your life for more of what you love. We meet Tuesdays at noon (U.S. Central Time) to answer your decluttering questions and to share organizing tools and techniques, success stories and “ah-hah!” moments, seasonal suggestions, and timeless tips.

Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/993419863.


Event Series The Clutter Fairy Weekly (webcast series)

Plan Ahead: Hit the Reset Button for You and Your Space in 2024


The new year is a great time to “hit reset”: to refresh your priorities, revisit your goals, and reconsider your habits and behaviors. The more thought you put into your reset process, the more success you’re likely to achieve. In episode #191 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, discusses how to hit reset on organizing projects, the pros and cons of resolutions, and tips for planning a successful “Get Organized Month.”

The Clutter Fairy Weekly is a live webcast designed to help you clear your clutter and make space in your home and your life for more of what you love. We meet Tuesdays at noon (U.S. Central Time) to answer your decluttering questions and to share organizing tools and techniques, success stories and “ah-hah!” moments, seasonal suggestions, and timeless tips.

Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/993419863.


Event Series The Clutter Fairy Weekly (webcast series)

Are We Ever Finished Decluttering? Organizing With No End in Sight


People who struggle with clutter sometimes get discouraged by how far away and out of reach our goals seem to be. We ask ourselves, “Will I ever finish?” In episode #183 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, ponders the question of whether we’re ever really finished decluttering and offers tips for setting organizing goals that keep you engaged and motivated.

The Clutter Fairy Weekly is a live webcast designed to help you clear your clutter and make space in your home and your life for more of what you love. We meet Tuesdays at noon (U.S. Central Time) to answer your decluttering questions and to share organizing tools and techniques, success stories and “ah-hah!” moments, seasonal suggestions, and timeless tips.

Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/993419863.


Event Series The Clutter Fairy Weekly (webcast series)

Tick, Tock: Set Realistic Time Expectations for Organizing Projects


For those who’ve made the decision to declutter and get organized, time can be a source of confusion and frustration. There’s the time you want the job to take, the time you expect the job to take, and the time the job really takes—and those figures often have nothing to do with each other! In episode #172 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, explores the complexities of estimating and allocating time for organizing work and suggests ways to set realistic time expectations.

The Clutter Fairy Weekly is a live webcast designed to help you clear your clutter and make space in your home and your life for more of what you love. We meet Tuesdays at noon (U.S. Central Time) to answer your decluttering questions and to share organizing tools and techniques, success stories and “ah-hah!” moments, seasonal suggestions, and timeless tips.

Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/993419863.


Event Series The Clutter Fairy Weekly (webcast series)

A Season for Edits: Make Space for the 2023 Version of Your Life


Just as trees drop their leaves to rest and wait for spring, the end of the year is a good time for us to pause and “shed” things from our lives to make room for something new, to reflect on what has served its purpose, what no longer fits, which habits have changed, what we’re ready to sell, donate, recycle, or discard. In episode #144 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, suggests taking a personal inventory focused on clearing space for wonderful new things in your life in 2023.

The Clutter Fairy Weekly is a live webcast designed to help you clear your clutter and make space in your home and your life for more of what you love. We meet Tuesdays at noon (U.S. Central Time) to answer your decluttering questions and to share organizing tools and techniques, success stories and “ah-hah!” moments, seasonal suggestions, and timeless tips.

Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/993419863.


Make Room for the Life You Love: Setting Organizing Goals for 2022


Stuff becomes clutter when it stands in the way of our vision for what we want and need in our homes: relationships, fulfillment, comfort, peace of mind, and so on. In episode #97 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, explains how to turn clutter obstacles into the starting point and motivation for setting concrete goals and planning new organizing projects.

Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/993419863.


Values, Dreams, and Aspirations: Shaping a Vision for Your Home


We’ve talked about how your home’s functions, the people who live there, and your most-loved belongings can contribute to a vision for a home that supports the life you want. In episode #96 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, integrates your values, dreams, and aspirations into the process of shaping a vision to clarify and guide your decluttering efforts.

Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/993419863.


Form, Function, and Feeling: Creating a Vision for Your Tidy Home


Our homes tend to fill up with the artifacts and debris of our busy lives as much as by conscious choices that we’ve made, so they can come to represent a distorted view of our lives and our tastes. In episode #95 of The Clutter Fairy Weekly, Gayle Goddard, professional organizer and owner of The Clutter Fairy in Houston, Texas, suggests designing a vision for your home to guide your decluttering efforts and to reflect a truer picture of who you are and what you love.

Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/993419863.


Out With the Old: Making Room for the 2019 You (Meetup)


The studio where an artist or crafter works can be the birthplace of genius…or the place where great ideas go to die. The difference is sometimes just a matter of organization—being able to see, find, and use the beautiful materials that inspire and feed your creativity. For the next meeting of the Houston Clutter Coaching Meetup Group, we’ll talk about how to know when your studio has stopped supporting your work. We’ll suggest a few ideas to reset your creative space and refresh your creative soul.


Make Space for the Life You Love: Organizing Goals for 2017 (Meetup)

A Healing Collective 4231 Bellaire Boulevard, Suite T, Houston, TX, United States

Our stuff only becomes clutter when it stands in the way of other things that we want and need, like relationships, comfort, and peace of mind. The December 2016 Houston Clutter Coaching Meetup examines the many ways that clutter keeps us from living the lives we dream of.
