The Clutter Fairy Blog

Life cycle of a maple leaf through the seasons

The clutter life-cycle | Book review: Swedish death cleaning | Packrat heritage

The Clutter Fairy explores the “clutter life-cycle”—a way of framing the psychological issues around clutter in terms of the decision-making that happens throughout the life-cycle of a possession. She also responds to viewer feedback and reviews the 2018 book, The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning.
Tiny house with shadow of much larger house

Declutter for downsizing | White-elephant trunk | The math of downsizing

The Clutter Fairy examines the situations that lead us to downsize and offers guidance on key areas of our homes and lives where we can look for opportunities to downsize collections. She also responds to viewer questions and feedback and offers her Tip of the Week on “the math of downsizing.”
Hands holding black-and-white family photos on wooden background

Preserving family history | The white elephant table | Maintaining organizing momentum

The Clutter Fairy takes a deeper dive into the topic of preserving family photos, videos, and stories to pass down. We also discuss using a “white elephant” exchange to share unwanted items with people who might get more use out of them than you do, and offer strategies to keep moving—or get moving again—if you’re struggling to make progress on your organizing goals.
Closeup of folded hands of an old woman

Clutter and aging | Family photos and videos | “Where do I start?”

The Clutter Fairy explores clutter-related issues that arise with aging and suggests strategies that you and your family can adopt to ease the burden of future clutter. We address viewer questions about how to get started decluttering when the project seems overwhelming and discuss ideas for storing and sharing precious family photos and videos.
Open daily planner book with pen

Organizing with a planner | Story-editing & small habits recap | “One in, one out”

The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for using a daily planner to keep your organizing projects moving forward, revisits the topics of “story-editing” and cultivating small habits, offers our Tip of the Week (“One in, one out”), and gives a quick preview of an upcoming topic: Clutter & Aging.
Tiny gold-wrapped gift balanced on tip of finger

Clutter-conscious Gift-giving | Virtual organizing | Holiday gap organizing strategies

The Clutter Fairy talks about clutter-conscious holiday gift-giving, working with clients virtually, and leveraging the holiday break to get ahead on 2020 organizing.
ADD-Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life book cover

Book: ADD-Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life

We talked about the book ADD-Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life in the September meeting of the Houston Clutter Coaching Meetup Group, and a lot of people have asked for more information. This is a great organizing book written specifically with ADD people in mind. It contains lots of practical suggestions, organizing techniques, and coping mechanisms for people with ADD brains. Check it out!
Smead Keeping Your Organized podcast logo

Creative Reuse in Organizing on Keeping You Organized

The Clutter Fairy’s Gayle Goddard was a guest Smead’s Keeping You Organized podcast. Gayle talked about one of her favorite ways to make your clutter someone else’s treasure: donation for creative reuse.
Running shoes closeup

The Clutter Fairy interviewed for Women’s Running

The Clutter Fairy’s Gayle Goddard was interviewed for a recent issue of Women’s Running magazine. Gayle offered tips for decluttering running gear and race memorabilia.
White spring flowers on a tree branch

Spring into Organizing: 10 Ways to Jumpstart Your Decluttering (Presentation)

The Clutter Fairy offers a grab-bag of small projects where you can score big wins as you kick off spring cleaning.
Packing boxes close-up

Plentiful Packing Pointers from our Posse of Proficient Packers

The Clutter Fairy offers pointers for anyone packing for a move, for long-term storage, to ship in the mail or by courier service, or for any other reason you might need to pack.
Remote control and many channels to watch

The Clutter Fairy Returns to Houston Life

The Clutter Fairy’s Gayle Goddard was a guest on the June 18, 2018, Houston Life show. Gayle shared quick tips you can use every day to get a little more organized.
Beer bottle caps

Creative-Reuse Centers Turn Clutter into Treasure

“Creative reuse” is the practice of applying imagination to unused, unneeded, or waste materials to turn them into art supplies, craft materials, or tools for the classroom.
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Announcing our next Clutter Conversation online event (YouTube Video)

Announcing the next Clutter Conversation online event on Tuesday, May 29. We’ll discuss the topic of “Preparing to Move Out: Decluttering Strategies for Moving...or Staying Put.”
Gayle Goddard

Hello from the Hurricane Harvey Flood Zone (YouTube Video)

The Clutter Fairy reports in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey on September 3, 2017. Many thanks to our fans for your concern and good wishes!
Video camera viewfinder

The Clutter Fairy on Houston Life

The Clutter Fairy’s Gayle Goddard was a guest on the June 19, 2017, Houston Life show. Gayle shared common mistakes people make when they try to get organized.
Mexican Peso bank notes background

Donate Your Foreign Currency to Benefit UNICEF!

Have you accumulated a bunch of leftover foreign money? Donate it UNICEF's Change for Good to clear your currency clutter and benefit kids around the world.
Houston Furniture Bank

Houston Furniture Bank is back and better than ever!

Houston Furniture Bank has reopened after the 2015 fire, and the new warehouse is three times as large—time to start donating your furniture again!
Array of standing desks

Standing Desks: The Best of the Best from

Check out this roundup of what’s available in standing desks. rates the desks on cost, ease of use, noise, adaptability, looks, and sturdiness.
Thanksgiving place setting

Happy Thanksgiving from The Clutter Fairy Family!

The Clutter Fairy family wishes you and yours a bountiful and harmonious Thanksgiving! Join us as we kick off a year of organizing projects to help you live the life you dream of.