Tag Archive for: negative emotions

Illustration of cartoon figure trapped in circle

Vicious Cycle: Clutter as a Symptom and Cause of Negative Emotions


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The Clutter Fairy offers strategies for working around or through negative emotions to move your projects forward no matter where you’re starting from.

Visit our web site for all the details, including the Weekly Tittle.

Join us next week for:
Your Best and Your Worst: Household Sweet Spots and Problem Areas

Brown bird singing in an apple tree

Ask Us Anything: Breaking Up Is Hard | Tiny Bathrooms | Why We Procrastinate


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The Clutter Fairy explores why it’s hard to break up with your stuff, organizing a tiny bathroom, and why we procrastinate—and how to break the cycle.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Organizing for Lawn and Garden Season | Challenges of Downsizing

Sunrise on a peaceful sea

A Space of One’s Own: Organizing for Peace of Mind


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy offers suggestions for clearing the worst trouble spots, opening constructive conversations with the people who share your space, and moving toward a more peaceful environment.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Head Over Heart 3: Algorithms to Filter Our Stuff to Fit Our Space

Heart carved into old wood

I’ve Got a Feeling: When Emotions Complicate the Organizing Process


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy examines negative feelings that complicate decluttering and offers encouragement to put positive emotions to work in the process.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Spread Too Thin, Piled Too High: Clutter in the Sandwich Generation

Kitten in a tree

Overcoming Barriers: Simple Ways to Get Unstuck and Start Organizing


Watch the YouTube video:

The Clutter Fairy shares simple techniques to short-circuit negative thinking, get unstuck, and start reclaiming your space and your life.

Visit our web site for all the details.

Join us next week for:
Unintentional Collections: The Stashes We Gather Without Even Trying

Dark storm clouds

Clutter Hacks #20: Top Tip for Those Struggling with Strong Emotions Around Clutter (YouTube Video)

Struggling with strong negative emotions associated with clutter? Work on the project in small bites and get some physical distance between you and the big project.
Castlewellan maze, Ireland

Vicious Circle: Clutter as a Symptom and a Cause of Negative Emotions (YouTube Video)

Negative emotions like guilt, shame, fear, grief, and anger reduce our ability to concentrate and make decisions. Clutter, in turn, can aggravate emotional distress.

Tag Archive for: negative emotions